Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Hello everyone!!!
Happy Happy Tuesday! 21 more days till Christmas. I am so excited. 
I just can't wait to see the faces of my family when they open their Christmas presents. 
Speaking of presents, have you guys finished your Holiday shopping yet? Or are you barely starting? Let me know in the comments below! :D

Moving on, today I wanted to share with you guys an amazing opportunity with Daxon.

Daxon specializes in all kinds of ladieswear from tops to trousers to blouses to dresses, skirts, and accessories. 
BUT, the amazing opportunity I was talking about earlier is their VIP Fashion Bloggers Program that is currently going on right now.
They will reward you with a £50 voucher to either Amazon or Threadless just by doing these simple steps:

1. Grab the Daxon Blogger Network Badge HERE and add it to your sidebar.
2. Write a post about this really exciting opportunity. Be sure to include the link to their website, www.daxon.co.uk.
3. Email Katy at katy@mediayeti.co.uk to let them know that you have completed the steps.

And voila!!! They should be emailing you with your voucher in no time. 


So what are you guys waiting for? Be a part of the Daxon Blogger Network now. :D

PS: Leave your badge on if you’d like more freebies from future blog campaigns! :)

follow me: @MyLifeAsCarrie 
like me: Read My Life As Carrie 
add me: Carrie